Template-Type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Ella Getz Wold Author-Name-First: Ella Getz Author-Name-Last: Wold Author-Email: ella.g.wold@bi.no Author-Name: Knut Are Aastveit Author-Name-First: Knut Are Author-Name-Last: Aastveit Author-Email: knut.a.aastveit.no Author-Name: Eirik Eylands Brandsaas Author-Name-First: Eirik Eylands Author-Name-Last: Brandsaas Author-Email: eirik.e.brandsaas@frb.gov Author-Name: Ragnar Enger Juelsrud Author-Name-First: Ragnar Author-Name-Last: Enger Juelsrud Author-Email: ragnar.e.juelsrud@bi.no Author-Name: Gisle James Natvik Author-Name-First: Gisle Author-Name-Last: James Natvik Author-Email: gisle.j.natvik@bi.no Title: The housing channel of intergenerational wealth persistence Abstract: We use Norwegian micro data and a life-cycle model with housing to study how wealth transmits across generations through the housing market. A mediation analysis reveals large housing gaps based on parental wealth. A shift-share IV-analysis using stock market returns supports a causal interpretation. Using the timing of intra-family deaths, we further show that housing outcomes when young are important determinants of later-in-life wealth. Nearly 15% of intergenerational wealth persistence occurs through the housing market, making housing equally important as the combined impact of parental wealth via a broad range of offspring characteristics, including income and education. Length: 69 pages Creation-Date: 2024 File-URL: https://hdl.handle.net/11250/3153193 Number: 06/2024 Keywords: Housing market, intergenerational wealth, wealth inequality Handle: RePEc:bbq:wpaper:0013 Template-Type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Annika Bacher Author-Name-First: Annika Author-Name-Last: Bacher Author-Email: Annika.bacher@bi.no Author-Name: Philipp Grübener Author-Name-First: Philipp Author-Name-Last: Grübener Author-Email: philippgruebener@wustl.edu Author-Name: Lukas Nord Author-Name-First: Lukas Author-Name-Last: Nord Author-Email: lksnord.econ@gmail.com Title: Joint Search over the Life Cycle Abstract: This paper provides novel evidence that the added worker effect – labor force entry upon spousal job loss – is substantially stronger for young than old households. Using a life cycle model of two-member households in a frictional labor market, we study whether this age-dependency is driven by heterogeneous needs for or availability of spousal insurance. Our framework endogenizes asset and human capital accumulation, as well as arrival rates of job offers, and is diciplined against U.S. micro data. By means of counterfactuals, we find a strong complementarity across both margins: A large added worker effect requires both high spousal earnings potential (human capital) relative to the primary earner and limited access to other means of self insurance (assets). Together, both margins can account for the observed age differential in the added worker effect. The model predicts substantial crowding out of spousal labor supply by unemployment benefit extensions among young households, in line with their stronger need for spousal insurance Length: 59 pages Creation-Date: 2024 File-URL: https://hdl.handle.net/11250/3149006 Number: 05/2024 Keywords: Unemployment, search, added worker effect, life cycle, family insurance Handle: RePEc:bbq:wpaper:0012 Template-Type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Kasper Kragh Balke Author-Name-First: Kasper Kragh Author-Name-Last: Balke Author-Name: Markus Karlman Author-Name-First: Markus Author-Name-Last: Karlman Author-Email: Markus.Karlman@nhh.no Author-Name: Karin Kinnerud Author-Name-First: Karin Author-Name-Last: Kinnerud Author-Email: karin.kinnerud@bi.no Title: Winners and Losers from Property Taxation Abstract: This paper studies how down-payment requirements for house purchases affect households’ saving and housing decisions, and the implications for macroeconomic policy. Using a quantitative model, we find that households not only postpone homeownership when the down-payment constraint is higher, but they also delay when they start saving for the house. We show analytically that this result holds under standard assumptions for households’ earnings and preferences. The changes to saving and portfolio choices affect the distribution of liquidity-constrained households, which in turn impacts aggregate responses to policy. Specifically, the cash-flow channel of monetary policy is reduced, and it becomes increasingly important to direct fiscal transfers at low-income households to achieve the largest consumption response. We also find that a stricter down-payment requirement is associated with substantial welfare costs, especially for high-income households Length: 70 pages Creation-Date: 2024 File-URL: https://hdl.handle.net/11250/3149003 Number: 04/2024 Keywords: down-payment requirement, heterogeneous households, housing, life cycle, loan-to-value constraint, marginal propensity to consume Handle: RePEc:bbq:wpaper:0011 Template-Type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Kasper Kragh Balke Author-Name-First: Kasper Kragh Author-Name-Last: Balke Author-Name: Markus Karlman Author-Name-First: Markus Author-Name-Last: Karlman Author-Email: Markus.Karlman@nhh.no Author-Name: Karin Kinnerud Author-Name-First: Karin Author-Name-Last: Kinnerud Author-Email: karin.kinnerud@bi.no Title: Down-payment requirements: Implications for portfolio choice and consumption Abstract: This paper considers optimal taxation of housing capital. To this end, we employ a life-cycle model calibrated to the U.S. economy, where asset holdings and labor productivity vary across households, and tax reforms lead to changes in house and rental prices, wages, and interest rates. We find that the optimal property tax in the long run is considerably higher than today. A higher property tax leads to a reallocation from housing to business capital, which in turn increases wages and reduces interest rates. These equilibrium effects allow for an improved consumption smoothing over the life cycle, due to progressive earnings taxes and lower borrowing costs. However, most current households would incur substantial welfare losses from an implementation of a higher property tax, since house prices fall, and a majority own their home. Hence, when accounting for transitional dynamics, it is not clear that a higher property tax is feasible or preferred. Length: 62 pages Creation-Date: 2024 File-URL: https://hdl.handle.net/11250/3147292 Number: 03/2024 Keywords: Housing, Property tax, Life cycle, general equilibrium Handle: RePEc:bbq:wpaper:0010 Template-Type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Rustam Jamilov Author-Name-First: Rustam Author-Name-Last: Jamilov Author-Email: rustam.jamilov@all-souls.ox.ac.uk Author-Name: Martin B. Holm Author-Name-First: Martin B. Author-Name-Last: Holm Author-Email: martin.b.holm@outlook.com Author-Name: Marek Jasinski Author-Name-First: Marek Author-Name-Last: Jasinski Author-Email: marek.a.jasinski@gmail.com Author-Name: Plamen Nenov Author-Name-First: Plamen Author-Name-Last: Nenov Author-Email: plamen.nenov@bi.no Title: Estimating the elasticity of Intertemporal Substitution using Dividend Tax News Shocks Abstract: This paper studies the spending response to news about a dividend tax reform to estimate the elasticity of intertemporal substitution (EIS). The Norwegian dividend tax reform was proposed in 2003, announced in 2004, and implemented in 2006, raising the dividend tax rate by 28 percentage points. We compare the spending responses of exposed households to a control group with no dividend income. Exposed households increased spending after the news and reduced spending after implementation. We show that this behavior is only consistent with an EIS above one. Using a capitalistworker framework, we estimate the EIS to be around 1.6. Length: 60 pages Creation-Date: 2024 File-URL: https://hdl.handle.net/11250/3147289 Number: 02/2024 Handle: RePEc:bbq:wpaper:0009 Template-Type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Guilio Fella Author-Name-First: Guilio Author-Name-Last: Fella Author-Email: g.fella@qmul.ac.uk Author-Name: Martin B. Holm Author-Name-First: Martin B. Author-Name-Last: Holm Author-Email: martin.b.holm@outlook.com Author-Name: Thomas M. Pugh Author-Name-First: Thomas M. Author-Name-Last:Pugh Author-Email: tpugh@bankofcanada.ca Title: Saving after retirement and preferences for residual Wealth Abstract: We use administrative data for Norway to estimate an incomplete-market life-cycle model of retired singles and couples with a bequest motive, health-dependent utility, and uncertain longevity and health. We allow the parameters of the bequest utility to differ between households with and without offspring. Our estimates imply a very strong utility of residual wealth (bequest motive), in line with the estimates by Lockwood (2018). The bequest motive accounts for approximately three-quarters of aggregate wealth at age 85. More surprisingly, we estimate similar utility of residual wealth for households with and without offspring. We interpret this as, prima facie, evidence that the utility of residual wealth represents forces beyond an altruistic bequest motive. Length: 50 pages Creation-Date: 2024 File-URL: https://hdl.handle.net/11250/3147287 Number: 01/2024 Handle: RePEc:bbq:wpaper:0008 Template-Type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Serdar Ozkan Author-Name-First: Serdar Author-Name-Last: Ozkan Author-Email: serdar.ozkan@gmail.com Author-Name: Joachim Hubmer Author-Name-First: Joachim Author-Name-Last: Hubmer Author-Email: jhubmer@sas.upenn.edu Author-Name: Sergio Salgado Author-Name-First: Sergio Author-Name-Last: Salgado Author-Email: ssalgado@wharton.upenn.edu Author-Name: Elin Halvorsen Author-Name-First: Elin Author-Name-Last: Halvorsen Author-Email: elin.halvorsen@ssb.no Title: Why Are the Wealthiest So Wealthy? A Longitudinal Empirical Investigation Abstract: We use Norwegian administrative panel data on wealth and income between 1993 and 2015 to study lifecycle wealth dynamics, focusing on the wealthiest households. On average, the wealthiest start their lives substantially richer than other households in the same cohort, own mostly private equity, earn higher returns, derive most of their income from dividends and capital gains, and save at higher rates. At age 50, the excess wealth of the top 0.1% group relative to mid-wealth households is accounted for in about equal terms by higher saving rates (34%), higher initial wealth (32%), and higher returns (27%), while higher labor income (5%) and inheritances (1%) account for the small residual. There is significant heterogeneity among the wealthiest: one-fourth of them—which we dub the “New Money”—start with negative wealth but experience rapid wealth growth early in life. Relative to the quartile of top owners that already started their life rich—the “Old Money”—the New Money are characterized by even higher saving rates and returns and also by higher labor income. Their excess wealth is mainly explained by higher saving rates (46%), higher returns (34%), and higher labor income (16%). Length: 112 pages Creation-Date: 2023 File-URL: https://hdl.handle.net/11250/3124936 Number: 07/2023 Keywords: Wealth inequality, lifecycle wealth dynamics, rate of return heterogeneity, bequests, saving rate heterogeneity Handle: RePEc:bbq:wpaper:0007 Template-Type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Ragnar Enger Juelsrud Author-Name-First: Ragnar Author-Name-Last: Enger Juelsrud Author-Email: Ragnar.juelsrud@norges-bank.no Author-Name: Ella Getz Wold Author-Name-First: Ella Author-Name-Last: Getz Wold Author-Email: ella.g.wold@bi.no Title: The importance of unemployment risk for individual savings Abstract: In this paper we use a novel natural experiment and Norwegian tax data to quantify the causal impact of unemployment risk on individual savings. We show theoretically that higher unemployment risk increases liquid savings and has an ambiguous impact on illiquid savings in partial equilibrium. In line with the model predictions, our empirical results confirm that a one percentage point increase in unemployment rates increases liquid savings by 1.3 percent in the cross-section. Reassuringly, this effect is driven by low-tenured workers, who face the highest increase in risk. Illiquid savings remain unaffected, implying an increase in the overall liquidity of individual saving portfolios. Using two independent approaches to quantify the overall importance of the unemployment risk channel in explaining saving dynamics during recessions, we find that at least 80% of the recession-induced increase in liquid savings can be explained by higher unemployment risk. Length: 58 pages Creation-Date: 2023 File-URL: https://hdl.handle.net/11250/3124935 Number: 06/2023 Keywords: Unemployment risk, precautionary savings, portfolio allocation, household finance, recessions, uncertainty Handle: RePEc:bbq:wpaper:0006 Template-Type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Andreas Fagereng Author-Name-First: Andreas Author-Name-Last: Fagereng Author-Email: andreas.fagereng@bi.no Author-Name: Magnus A. H. Gulbrandsen Author-Name-First: Magnus A. H. Author-Name-Last: Gulbrandsen Author-Email: magnus.gulbrandsen@norges-bank.no Author-Name: Martin Holm Author-Name-First: Martin Author-Name-Last: Holm Author-Email: m.b.holm@econ.uio.no Author-Name: Gisle Natvik Author-Name-First: Gisle Author-Name-Last: Natvik Author-Email: gisle.j.natvik@bi.no Title: How Does Monetary Policy Affect Household Indebtedness? Abstract: Growth in household debt-to-income ratios can be attributed to nominal debt changes or mechanical “Fisher effects” from interest income and expenses, real income growth, and inflation. With microdata covering the universe of Norwegian households for more than 20 years, we decompose the importance of these channels for how debt-toincome ratios evolve over time and respond to monetary policy shocks. On average, debt changes outsize Fisher effects, and they are due to households who move. But among highly leveraged households, Fisher effects dominate. After interest rate hikes, debt changes and Fisher effects pull in opposite directions. The former dominate so that debt-to-income ratios fall. This pattern holds across sub-groups, even among highly indebted households. Hence, changes in borrowing and repayment dominate mechanical effects via nominal income growth in the transmission of monetary policy shocks to debt-to-income ratios. Length: 29 pages Creation-Date: 2023 File-URL: https://hdl.handle.net/11250/3124934 Number: 05/2023 Keywords: Household Debt, Monetary Policy Handle: RePEc:bbq:wpaper:0005 Template-Type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Knut Are Aastveit Author-Name-First: Knut Are Author-Name-Last: Aastveit Author-Email: knut.a.aastveit@bi.no Author-Name: Ragnar Enger Juelsrud Author-Name-First: Ragnar Author-Name-Last: Enger Juelsrud Author-Email: Ragnar.juelsrud@norges-bank.no Author-Name: Ella Getz Wold Author-Name-First: Ella Author-Name-Last: Getz Wold Author-Email: ella.g.wold@bi.no Title: The leverage-liquidity trade-of mortgage regulation Abstract: We evaluate the impact of loan-to-value restrictions on household financial vulnerability. Using Norwegian tax data, we first document a beneficial leverage effect, in which households respond to the regulation by reducing house purchase probabilities, debt and interest expenses. Second, we document a detrimental and persistent liquidity effect working through higher downpayment requirements. We further show that households which, due to the regulation, hold less liquid assets also have larger consumption falls upon unemployment. Finally, we provide back of the envelope calculations on the net impact of lower leverage and lower liquidity on household consumption volatility. We find that the beneficial impact of lower leverage is outweighed by the detrimental impact of lower liquidity, suggesting that LTV restrictions are not successful in reducing consumption volatility at the household level. Length: 51 pages Creation-Date: 2023 File-URL: https://hdl.handle.net/11250/3124933 Number: 04/2023 Keywords: Household leverage, Financial regulation, Macroprudential policy, Mortgage markets Handle: RePEc:bbq:wpaper:0004 Template-Type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Annika Bacher Author-Name-First: Annika Author-Name-Last: Bacher Author-Email: Annika.bacher@bi.no Title: The Gender Investment Gap over the Life-Cycle Abstract: Single women hold less risky financial portfolios than single men. This paper analyzes the determinants of the “gender investment gap” based on a structural life-cycle framework. The model is able to rationalize the investment gap without introducing gender heterogeneity in preferences (e.g. in risk aversion). Rather, lower income levels and larger household sizes of single women are the main determinants for explaining the gap. Importantly, expectations about future realizations of both variables (that cannot easily be controlled for in regressions) drive most of the investment differences for young households whereas heterogeneity in observable characteristics explains the gap later in life. Length: 68 pages Creation-Date: 2023 File-URL: https://hdl.handle.net/11250/3124932 Number: 03/2023 Keywords: Household Finance, Life-Cycle, Gender, Portfolio Choice Handle: RePEc:bbq:wpaper:0003 Template-Type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Andreas Fagereng Author-Name-First: Andreas Author-Name-Last: Fagereng Author-Email: andreas.fagereng@bi.no Author-Name: Matthieu Gomez Author-Name-First: Matthieu Author-Name-Last: Gomez Author-Name: Emilien Gouin-Bonenfant Author-Name-First: Emilien Author-Name-Last: Gouin-Bonenfant Author-Name: Martin Holm Author-Name-First: Martin Author-Name-Last: Holm Author-Email: m.b.holm@econ.uio.no Author-Name: Benjamin Moll Author-Name-First: Benjamin Author-Name-Last: Moll Author-Name: Gisle Natvik Author-Name-First: Gisle Author-Name-Last: Natvik Author-Email: gisle.j.natvik@bi.no Title: Asset-Pricing Redistribution Abstract: Over the last several decades, there has been a large increase in asset valuations across many asset classes. These rising valuations had important effects on the distribution of wealth. However, little is known regarding their effect on the distribution of welfare. To make progress on this question, we derive a sufficient statistic for the (money metric) welfare effect of a change in asset valuations, which depends on the present value of an individual’s net asset sales: rising asset prices benefit prospective sellers and harm prospective buyers. We estimate this quantity using panel microdata covering the universe of financial transactions in Norway from 1994 to 2019. We find that rising asset valuations had large redistributive effects: they redistributed from the young towards the old and from the poor towards the wealthy. Length: 87 pages Creation-Date: 2023 File-URL: https://hdl.handle.net/11250/3124840 Number: 02/2023 Handle: RePEc:bbq:wpaper:0002 Template-Type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Iván Alfaro Author-Name-First: Iván Author-Name-Last: Alfaro Author-Email: ivan.alfaro@bi.no Author-Name: Nicholas Bloom Author-Name-First: Nicholas Author-Name-Last: Bloom Author-Name: Xiaoji Lin Author-Name-First: Xiaoji Author-Name-Last: Lin Title: The Finance Uncertainty Multiplier Abstract: We show how real and financial frictions amplify, prolong and propagate the negative impact of uncertainty shocks. We first use a novel instrumentation strategy to address endogeneity in estimating the impact of uncertainty by exploiting differential firm exposure to exchange rate, policy, and energy price volatility in a panel of US firms. Using common proxies for financial constraints we show that ex-ante financially constrained firms cut their investment even more than unconstrained firms following an uncertainty shock. We then build a general equilibrium heterogeneous firms model with real and financial frictions, finding financial frictions: i) amplify uncertainty shocks by doubling their impact on output; ii) increase persistence by extending the duration of the drop by 50%; and iii) propagate uncertainty shocks by spreading their impact onto financial variables. These results highlight why in periods of greater financial frictions uncertainty can be particularly damaging Length: 76 pages Creation-Date: 2023 File-URL: https://biopen.bi.no/bi-xmlui/handle/11250/3124829 Number: 01/2023 Keywords: Uncertainty, Financial frictions, Investment, Employment, Cash Holding, Equity payouts Handle: RePEc:bbq:wpaper:0001